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CVS Health


  • UX Design


  • 7 months


  • Marissa Liu Senior
  • Senior Experience Designer
  • Victoria Pajaujis
  • Experience Strategist
  • Sherry Kuo
  • Design Director, VD
  • Eric Simonson
  • Associate Creative Director, VD
  • & many more
  • ( Team, If you're reading this, THANK YOU!)

    objective/problem to be solved

    Reimagine the CVS Health digital experience to help position them as a primary destination for health solutions for enterprise audiences and retail consumers.

    user context & needs

    our approach has a diverse customers that regularly visit—from people at an enterprise level to average consumers.  We looked at overarching needs, such as getting information, and more granular needs, like using the published content to write a news story.
    We defined experience principles based on personas we crafted to deliver a complete site redesign and a robust spec toolkit for developers in 5 sprints.


    CVS Health provides health care and retail pharmacy services with products ranging from prescription medication to beauty products.

    objective/problem to be solved

    Reimagine the CVS Health digital experience to help position them as a primary destination for health solutions for enterprise audiences and retail consumers.

    user context & needs


    CVS Health provides health care and retail pharmacy services with products ranging from prescription medication to beauty products.

    our approach

    We defined experience principles based on personas we crafted to deliver a complete site redesign and a robust spec toolkit for developers in 5 sprints. has a diverse customers that regularly visit—from people at an enterprise level to average consumers.  We looked at overarching needs, such as getting information, and more granular needs, like using the published content to write a news story.
      Click on the link to view live site.

      defining personas and identifying jobs to be done

      We defined five key personas and their core needs based on stakeholder interviews.
      As a reporter, I want to quickly find the latest news from CVS Health to have the necessary information and assets to write my story.
      As an informed consumer, I'm interested in the latest healthcare business news to help me make informed decisions at my job.
      As an informed consumer, I'm interested in the latest healthcare business news to help me make informed decisions at my job.
      As a caregiver, I want to stay updated on health and wellness news and resources to ensure I am caring for my family in the best and most informed way possible.

      Experience Principles

      Using data from our personas, a competitive analysis, and client imperatives, we distilled five experience principles to guide our project.
      1. 01
        Storytelling: Communicate the brand in engaging and understandable ways
      2. 02
        Navigation: Organize content in meaningful and discoverable ways
      3. 03
        Content: Use content in relevant and sensible ways
      4. 04
        Audiences: Identify and deliver value to a variety of audiences by speaking clearly
      5. 05
        Interconnectivity: Create awareness of larger digital ecosystems and drive to other sites and touchpoints where necessary
      Once we aligned on experience principles, we were able to push forward new designs that brought CVS Health's brand mission to life

      design solutions

      Standing on the shoulders of giants

      designing for flexibility & modularity

      A series of images depicting components and a module they can form.
      We leveraged previous work that explored a blue-sky scenario of how CVS Health could be visually expressed and crafted modular components that could bend and flex to create templates for CVS Health's many needs.

      ensuring a universal experience

      universal considerations for a universal experience

      A collection of pages showcasing a variety of designs our team completed.
      By working with the client and using the WCAG guidelines, we were able to rethink page hierarchy, nomenclature, navigation and everything in between to make accessible to the widest number of people while keeping their needs top of mind.

      ensuring longevity & consistency

      documenting and creating a source of truth

      An excerpt from a toolkit that my team and I created showing the various component specifications.
      Screen depicting virtual museum visit feature.
      Screen depicting virtual museum visit feature.
      Screen depicting how virtual museum feature would actually look.
      We created a single source of truth document for the client to help their developers and future designers understand how every component we designed should look and behave at every breakpoint.


      This project was a big undertaking but efforts were well compensated with many learnings, but I'll share 3 for the sake of time.

      I learned how important it was to sustain a positive, nurturing relationship with the client. Ultimately, the work we did for led us to reimagine the digital experience of another one of their companies.

      Stress testing your designs, presentations, ideas, concepts EVERYTHING.

      I learned that accessibility isn't limited to just visuals—it encompasses all our senses. I created a shareable resource to make sure I could share my learnings with my team, becoming  the go-to person within my team regarding accessibility.
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